Went to a show last night. It was the great Sophie B. Hawkins, channeling her best Janis Joplin in a revue which sees Janis' spirit come back and remember the events in her life and how everything had an effect on her. A review will come by the end of the week, but today I need to talk about what happened in the theater.
Show just starts, four women come in and sit in the two rows in front of me, two and two. They are still buzzing from coming indoors, fine. I give them a little time to get adjusted and settle in. Twenty minutes later they are still yakking with each other. Virtually non-stop. Now I'm getting pissed. So what would you do?
Well, as most of you who actually know me can testify (can I get a witness?) that shit doesn't fly with me. Enough. It wasn't like it was a concert and they were talking throughout the songs.This was basically a one woman show, a couple of characters had a few lines, and there is a lot of dialogue. Shut the fuck up.
It's time to go Jersey on them. I lean forward between the two heads in front of me and say "You know, you are being very rude." For me, that's about as polite as I get in dealing with something like this. The woman turns to me, a bit startled and said "Oh, am I being rude?" I say "Yes." She then gets up and says "Well, I'll just move."
Fine, I don't have a problem with that, go. Then she says to me "She's a dead woman." meaning Janis. huh. Yeah, I know, I was alive when she died you stupid bitch. But I kept my calm and just asked her "Why are you even here?" She then asked me "Why are you here?" So I said "To see the show."
At this point she gave me a look, picked up her stuff and along with the woman next to her, moved to a seat farther away from the stage. Within minutes the other two women who were sitting two rows down, left as well. And the rest of the performance was not only quiet but without a head in front of me.
Epic freakin' win.
I make no apologies for my behavior. What gives you the right to spoil the night for other people, and it wasn't only me. The couple next to us was also making gestures towards the women like, why can't they shut up. I however, have no problem saying something.
It's a matter of respect and we were not getting it. If you are bored or would rather be somewhere else, go. It's not fair to everyone around you. Otherwise you just might have someone sitting behind you who is just ready to get up in your face about it.
Then we can all enjoy the show.
Do I hear applause?