Wednesday, January 4, 2012

A Day In The Life

"Now the years are rolling by me..they are rocking easily.  I am older than I once was...but younger than I'll be."  So writes Paul Simon in The Boxer.

Indeed, the years pass too quickly these days.  And even if you try, you can only go back so far.  Case in point:  Not long ago while looking in the mirror (never a good thing when you're over 50,40,30 (that's my story and I'm stickin' to it),  I said to myself  "You're getting old and getting fat.  While you can't do anything about the old thing, you can sure as shit do something about the fat thing."  So I did.  I am now thinner than I was over 20 years ago...but it's not the same.  Time and gravity have conspired to move parts of my body to new locales...mainly south of the border.  Ole.

Life isn't fair... it is what it is.  As I sit drinking my morning tea and eating a couple of still tasty Christmas cookies, I'm thinking of what this new day might hold.  Something life altering...probably not.  But I will meet my friend at the mall, where she will help me pick out new eyeglass frames.   Then, off to Costco where hopefully I will find an extremely large bag of pistachios with my name on it.  But during this uneventful day, we will laugh, bitch and talk about our normal lives.   Today will be a day that in 10 years neither of us will remember, but as we say goodbye, we will both smile...and be glad to have spent some time together.

I'm already older than I was when I started this post, but I'm still grateful for the day...I just wish it wasn't 13 degrees outside.  Do I really want to go out today?


  1. alas my friend, we will bitch and smile and laugh and talk and we will be warm in our hearts even if it is 13 friggin' degrees outside but some things cannot be put off for warmer weather.

  2. you're right, especially the bitch & smile & laugh parts.
